Take a look at the latest updates about MNA Tokens, M&A industry and more. Take a look at the latest updates about MNA Tokens, M&A industry and more.

Star Apple Explains The Importance of Transparency in Transaction For Effective M&A Deals

Virgin Islands, USA: Traditionally, mergers and acquisitions were meant for big investors or high-ticket entrepreneurs.

You may have many questions regarding the same-” What does this mean?” “ How come the general public never gains a chance to participate in M&A deals?”.

To bring more clarity about the same, we reached out to the spokesperson of a renowned Decentralized Autonomous Organization or DAO, Star Apple Labs Limited, which is paving its way in transforming the traditional merger and acquisition process with the help of Blockchain technology.

Here’s what she has to say: “We must reap the benefits of these technological advancements. There are markets that general investors can’t even imagine entering!!

Our focus is inclusion, transparency, and efficiency in the current M & A market scenario.”

Too Much Secrecy!! 

The spokesperson explains that information asymmetry is a considerable roadblock that makes it difficult for the general public to enter this industry.

Safekeeping inside information has always been considered the best practice.

Above all, information such as corporate structure and financial statements is known to be difficult for the general public to grasp due to its complexities.

DAO at Rescue

“We have created a new and innovative DAO system that can allow general user participation in the M&A for larger companies.

We have our own key currency, the MNA token which can be used by the users to participate in any various agendas of the M & A deals.

The Star Apple platform expands information disclosure using Blockchain technology and establishes competition and incentive structures for brokers.

See also  Star Apple MNA Explains The Role of Smart Contracts in The M&A Process

We have acquired our own M & exchange and have plans to build an STO platform, participate in M & A through DAO, as well as participate in the decision-making process.” adds the spokesperson of Star Apple Limited.

Star Apple- A Change-Maker

It is sure that Star Apple is all set with its impactful strategies in bettering the current and traditional M&A.

Many users eagerly await their token pre-sale, which will be conducted in November and December 2022.

To discover more about them and their upcoming sales, check out their website- https://starapplemna.com/

You can also connect with them through their social media channels.

Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/StarappleMnA-110428775065535

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/starapple.mna/

Twitter- https://twitter.com/StarappleM

LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/company/star-apple-labs-limited/

Telegram- https://t.me/Starapple_MNA

Medium- https://medium.com/@starapple.mna

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